In time, as the world's melody changed, bringing forth the seasons, the dutiful 'uhane refined their designs, and emphasized a certain aspect of the Song. These new temples allowed the most dedicated singers the ability to shape their souls into a better reflection of the melody. But, it is not that these new temples allowed a different song to be sung, or a new refrain to be woven into the melody. The Song was still supreme, only certain portions of the tune were discovered, teased out, and embodied as the "elements" of the world. These new, elemental forms bestowed unique abilities on the 'uhane that took them on, powers that represented the seasons from which they were drawn. It was in this way that the elements were discovered and brought into the Moe'uhane.
--On The Souls and Their ElementsArriving at an elemental temple is no easy matter. While an 'uhane can willfully direct the transformation process, temples can only be blindly influenced. If the temple does not align to the correct element, it must be razed and the entire process must begin again. Temples are less flexible than 'uhane in this way.
Each element is associated not only with a particular essence, but also with certain techniques -- both magical and mundane -- that aid 'uhane of that type. These abilities may only be studied by correctly aligned 'uhane, which means that an exploration of the full bounds of knowledge requires 'uhane of every elemental kind.